
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017

Our night

Our night Ladies, lay kids in bed, Tell them a fairytale. Let the husbands sleep, well fed. Close the doors, hush the dogs, Give them sausages, take up the bones. Tell the ghosts to stay in their graves, For no one disrupt their peaceful rest. Common sisters, The moon is high, the mist is low. Ask the animals to stay quiet, While we prepare the cauldron´s fire. Grab everything we will need: Wolf fangs, bat wings, Frog legs and fresh herbs. Let´s make a profit of this night: Make the ointments for sored bodies, And potions for soled souls; Cast the rain, feed the fields Let´s make a use of our good will. Overall: remain unseen From those you love and guard, Since our good is so tinted by shadows That no one would understand; Despite our holy intentions, To them we are wives of the Devil. Yanil Sabrina Feliz Pache

Sonata de luna llena

Sonata de luna llena  La luna de plata hoy canta, Con tintes de azul y llovizna, Sones de melancolía A ese pecho sin vigor Hay un mar en la almohada, Del que saltan las sirenas, Y nacen sonatas nuevas Para el cielo de carbón Que todos compadecen, Pero nadie repara La llaga que aún sangra Por la herida del amor CORO ¿Dónde están esos rosales Donde solíamos pasear? ¿Dónde quedó el recuerdo De las promesas de más? ¿Qué le pasó a esos besos Sabor a estrellas y a mar? Ahora sólo quedan restos: Cuerpos sin electricidad Un manto de nieve blanca Calienta la isla en la noche, Pero no hay calor que arrope El frío en su corazón En el cielo ni una estrella, Sólo ángeles que se asoman A acompañar a una loca Que el sentido abandonó CORO (Solo de guitarra) Que todos se adolecen, Pero nadie comprende La llaga que aún duele Por la herida del amor                                                          

Midnight fighting

Midnight fight As insomnia suffocates my sleep, demons arise from my darkest part. The moonlight taints their black skins with a melancholic blue;  my raising heartbeat is the anthem of their march,  on their quest to conquer my peace. As they open my scars and set free the memories,  I can taste the poison in my tongue and the tears in my lips.  They change their shapes,  they decoy me to destroy me. I stand alone in the battlefield,  an empty room filled with silent screams.  Where are the nightmares? Where lay the dreams?  Where are the soldiers that fight for me? But I will resist, I will not bow as they tear my skin and break my bones.  I know I´m strong, I keep my scars close to my heart as the diary of my triumphs and sufferers. It doesn´t matter if I die tonight: I will resurrect with the sun. Yanil Sabrina Feliz Pache